The inner light wants joy and peace for us in this lifetime. We are that inner light. JDW wants you to be able to design for yourselves an inner life of peace and joy. The JDW mantra is "as within so without." JDW has formulated and facilitated services and exercises that will help develop the type of YOU that you deserve. The sole purpose of being in human form is to "wake up." In order to create a true life style we should start within ourselves first and foremost. These types of services are for everyone who wants to wake up from soul sleep. A life that is truly meant to be lived beautifully begins from within.
This concept is one that deals with the truth of one's journey. We are expressions of our thoughts. We live the life we feel. If you feel sad and feel "lack of" in your life, chances are you are living a life where the glass is half empty. The inner journey to one's truth is where peace and joy are found. In a realm where we are taught so many untruths, we spend time grasping for that which we think will make us happy. In fact we spend lifetimes grasping for happiness. After a while, we realize happiness is more a thought or a feeling. Times of happiness come and go. It is also true that times of sadness come and go. But what would it be like to live a life filled with peace and joy? The balance of internal peace and joy is a life in which one's surroundings will be that of beauty. Peace and Joy are feelings that will carry us not only through the happy times, that is easy; but what a great experience life is when we can go through the sad times on our journey and still be embraced with our internal knowingness that we are perfect beings, to go through those life experiences and lessons and still be of peace and joy. This is a journey traveled in spirit.